A4A Sports
for Resilience

Following a recently failed harvest, there has been frustration between the two A4A Cohorts, A4A staff, and partners. 
For incarcerated youth, sports help provide structure, enhance bonds, and keep them engaged while learning social skills and building self-esteem. Upon discussion and endorsement of the Prison Director, Reg. Sama, a trial sports component aimed to serve as a unifying force will be launched weekly, beginning Saturday, September 3rd for 3 months after which we anticipate the Prison will sustain the program.


The original program was aimed at Agripreneurs Cohort 1, Cohort 2, A4A Staff, Educators, Coordinators and Prison Security guards.  The aim was to create a sporting ambiance, identify talent and also encourage  the participation of prison administration and A4A staff in all activities.

After the success of the first week, Sports for Resilience was expanded to the female and male prisons, thus involving all inmates.  A4A ‘sTruth for Reslience Program aims to fostera spirit of teamwork and helping participants build physical prowess while also teaching them the values of collaboration and communication. A prison sports club and teams “Discipline Travail Solidarité” has also been created with the Prison Director, Reg Sama, also taking on an instructor role alongside Coach Pele

:: impact

We anticipate that this program will have a positive impact on incarcerated youth as follows:

  • Increase self-confidence

  • Leadership & team building

  • Learn values of collaboration and communication

  • Improve physical and mental mindset

  • Build social cohesion and team solidarity

Sports for Reslience has been funded through the generosity of Truth to Power Foundation (T2P) is a U.S. based organization that provides support to marginalized and vulnerable populations such as women and children in crisis, refugees and internally displaced people, the elderly, those suffering from hunger and malnutrition, as well as survivors of human trafficking and violence. Its primary directive - building resilience in adversity - by increasing the capacity of individuals and communities to quickly recover from devastating circumstances such as war, debilitating poverty and pervasive social  injustices. 

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